TheTen Commandments 2/10/12

Fri, February 10, 2012 Shabbat Shalom, What do you think of when you see the words THE TEN COMMANDMENTS?  The older generation sees Charlton Heston...more

Invocation for the Virginia Senate

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 Creator of All, be with those whom we have chosen to lead us, as they come into this chamber to do...more

What Keeps Us Faithful Jews?

Fri, January 27, 2012 Adult Ed Shabbat  1/27/12, by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. When our Adult Education Committee decided that this year’s offerings would fall...more

The Menorah (December KOL)

Mon, December 5, 2011 The New York Jewish Museum, located on Fifth Avenue and 92ndStreet, has the largest collection of Chanukah menorahs in the world. ...more

Opening Prayer for Burke CROP Walk

Sun, November 20, 2011 Thank you for joining CROP walkers all over America, and for raising precious funds to help the most vulnerable and bring...more

Thanks, Give, Take (November KOL)

Tue, November 1, 2011 The day after Sukkot ends, my vision turns toward Thanksgiving.  I take all of the messages of our Jewish thanksgiving, and...more

Why are We Here? Yizkor 5772

Sat, October 8, 2011 dedicated to my friends CM and MS Listen to a podcast of this sermon I spent a glorious two days with...more