A Temple For All Seasons (July KOL)

As I write this article, summer begins tomorrow.  For many of our members, this means a more relaxed time of year filled with time to...more

Prayer for Women of the Wall

During this week when they were threatened with arrest if they said Kaddish at the Wall by Rahel Sharon Jaskow, adapted for TBS by Rabbi Perlin...more


In this week's Torah portion, Moses has his hands full as the Israelites complain about the menu in the wilderness.  They want meat, according to...more

Sacred Spaces, Sacred Lives

Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D.     5/24/13 Shabbat Beha’alot’cha Our portion this week describes the Tent of Meeting – Ohel Mo’ed, our Tabernacle, the place in...more

A Community of Learners (May 2013 KOL)

For many years, congregations focused all of their attention on educating the children, and recent studies reveal that many did not even do a good...more