Our secret is out! At the CCAR (Central Conference of American Rabbis) conference in California, this past March, the new president cited TBS as the...more
In this week's Torah portion, Moses has his hands full as the Israelites complain about the menu in the wilderness. They want meat, according to...more
Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. May, 10, 2013 Shabbat Bemidbar Temple B’nai Shalom, Fairfax Station, VA, with gratitude to The Sexuality Spectrum exhibit...more
Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D. 5/24/13 Shabbat Beha’alot’cha Our portion this week describes the Tent of Meeting – Ohel Mo’ed, our Tabernacle, the place in...more
For many years, congregations focused all of their attention on educating the children, and recent studies reveal that many did not even do a good...more
God-of-Us? Since Passover begins at sundown on Monday night, and I have spent the past two Sundays sitting in the temple lobby talking to people...more