Invocation for the Virginia Senate
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Creator of All, be with those whom we have chosen to lead us, as they come into this chamber to do the work of the people of this Great Commonwealth. Help them to strive to establish justice and opportunity for all who dwell in this birthplace of American patriotism and religious tolerance. Offer your strength and wisdom as they struggle to serve with integrity and humility.
Source of Justice, bless our Commonwealth and all of its inhabitants. Be with those whom we have chosen to lead us, planting in each heart the seeds of compromise and compassion that will ripen into prosperity and opportunity for all of the families who call this place home.
Author of freedom, we ask Your blessings upon our beloved country and all those who devote their lives to protecting her security and freedom. May your favor rest upon the United States of America, our land and our people, that we will forever be a home to those who seek refuge, a light to those who dwell in darkness, and a source of hope for all humanity. Amen.
by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D., Senior Rabbi of Temple B’nai Shalom, Fairfax Station