Facebook Post by Rabbi Perlin in the Time of Coronavirus (3/20/2020)
Friday’s Post (March 20th, 2020): I Never Thought I Would Want to Write a Blessing for Technology
by Rabbi Amy R. Perlin, D.D.
Blessed are You, Adonai my God, Responsible Being for our Universe, Who created minds that dreamed of connecting our world digitally and visionaries who turned those dreams into reality. In gratitude for the creations that help us overcome our isolation, we stay connected via the vast array of technology, almost as intricate as the human mind and body. This Shabbat, we are thankful for virtual conversations and hugs, services and family gatherings, via an internet few truly understand but all desperately need.
How awesome is this network of humanity reaching out to touch and to care, to heal and to hope, to love and to cherish! How amazing is this world where we can learn and teach, pray and study, inspire and inform from the safety of home!
Blessed are You, Source of Creation and Innovation, Guide and Inspiration of all Humanity, Who teaches us, again and again, that what unites us will always be the greatest source of our strength, our hope, and our survival. Amen.