Blessing for June 8-10th Stop Hunger Now Event: Temple B’nai Shalom with Christ Church
Our forefather, Joseph, was sent to Egypt by God to avoid a seven-year famine. His vision and wisdom prevented tens of thousands of men, women, and children from starving over 3000 years ago.
Over and over again, our sacred scriptures remind us of our obligation to help God to distribute God’s bounty to the people of our planet. There is enough food on this Earth to feed every person. It is only the fair distribution of the resources, so abundantly given, that God leaves up to us. Humanity does not have a great track record of stewardship in this area of food sustenance for all.
Together, our congregations hear the cries of the hungry, and the Biblical call from God that we must not forsake them. Together, we are joining efforts to fulfill our obligation to feed those in need.
May God bless the efforts of your hearts and hands as you begin your shift to work for the greater good, to heed God’s call for food justice, and to unite our congregations in the sacred obligation of being faithful stewards of our planet’s resources.
Together we are showing in word and deed that we are united, as good neighbors, for the greater good of our world, and in service to the God who made us all with hope that we would care and share with others.
(Recite HaMotzi)
Blessed are You, O Lord our God, who brings forth bread from the earth.
Blessed are You, O Lord our God, who commands us and teaches us to share that bread, and rice and beans, with those in need. Amen.