Adam/Adamah: Linked from Creation

Fri, January 21, 2011

Shabbat Yitro

Adam, ost, the first man, begins his life in the Garden of Eden.  And how is this first man created?  Genesis 2:7 tells us, “Then God Eternal fashioned the man – dust from the soil – and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that the man became a living being.”

In Hebrew:

Man is made from the dust of the earth and named for it. From that moment of creation until this very day, for eternity, we are linked to the earth.

Most of our Jewish story and metaphor is earth bound.
We gain knowledge from a Tree of Knowledge tree.
We get healing from the water of a well.
God is called our Rock with a capital “R”.

Most of our Torah is our story as we walk through desert, cross a Sea, climb mountains, and see God in the image of the cloud and fire.

Our Jewish cosmology,