College Students


As a congregation, we embrace the spirit of L’dor V’dor. As our young adults leave home, many for the first time, we let them know that although they are out of sight, they are never far from our hearts.  Our College Committee prepares and sends care packages or gift cards to our college students four times per year.  We do our best to link our packages to a Jewish Holiday, but it varies depending on the calendar.  We will also have a Havdalah service for them over winter break.  Different committee members do each mailing so the packages are unique and always exciting.  We even include some inspirational words and comic strips––anything to let the kids know we care!

With every mailing, we send an email to students (and copy the parents!!) to let them know that it might be a good time to check their mailbox.  We can assure every parent, based on the replies we receive from the students, that the packages are well-received!

We have dozens and dozens of students on our list!  We reach out to parents over the summer, via the KOL and Weekly Email, to update addresses, add names, etc . It’s never too late to add a student to the list or to join our committee.  Simply email